Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Connections that Matter!

Who Gets to Be an Insider

When great leaders were asked how they learned to lead, the top two answers were “trial and error” and “from other people.” When we like and trust someone, we are more open to learning from them. This is critically important for you to remember,  here’s why…


And as emphasized in the past two blogs, you can’t lead ALONE—you need others’ support and help. Essentially, you need people you can learn from. To be the best leader you can be, you need to CONNECT to others. Let people in, and truly connect. Build those relationships that matter and you’ll be an amazing leader!

What do I mean by relationships that matter? These are the relationships that contribute to your leadership journey because you get to learn from them, collaborate with them, offer helpful insights, and provide continuous support and inspiration.

And the higher the quality of your connections are, the more you’ll flourish and rise higher!

Here are some of the best tips I’ve consolidated on how you can get started on building not just connections, but quality connections:

  1. Make a rule for yourself or a target and commit to it. Some commit to making one new connection a day. It can be one a week. It depends on you!
  2. Be curious! It’s the secret tosuccess. I wrote about it here.
  3. Take the initiative to reach out topeople, call them up or meet up with them.
  4. Start with the people who arealready within reach! Think of who you would like to learn from.
  5. Continuously expand your network andeventually go out of your comfort zone.

Have we ever connected? Knock on my door, I’ll open it:

Dr. Rob

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