Tuesday, November 17, 2020

You need other people in your leadership journey

You can’t make extraordinary things happen alone

Over the past months, we’ve gone deep into three out of the five fundamentals of exemplary leadership as discussed in Kouzes and Posner’s Learning Leadership book:

  1. Believe you can;
  2. Aspire to excel; and
  3. Challenge yourself.

Something common to all three of them is about the focus on you as the leader. But thefourth fundamental is different: Engage Support!  It’s all about the importance of the people around you.  

Many, many times people will tell leaders, “Wow, you are lucky, you really have a great team.” Only leaders know they weren’t that great when they started! A great leader loves people, develops people, empowers people, and helps them grow to their greatest potential. Yes, they turn into a great team, but they don’t start that way!

The truth is, if you want to be a really excellent leader, you can’t do it alone. Here’s why other people are important in your leadership path:

  1. If you are an incredibly competent person, you still cannot deliver the best results all by yourself. That takes a team. Teams make truly great things happen.
  2. Trust and support from others allows you to take more risks, which encourages your growth.
  3. John Maxwell is famous for teaching: If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, that takes a team. Bonus: When you slip, fall, or fail, a team is there to pick you up!

You can be a great person individually, but becoming a great leader involves developing a team to make the journey with you. You can’t do it alone, and that’s why ‘engaging support’ is a leadership fundamental.

Next week: some exciting ways you can engage support. Let me know your thoughts:


Dr. Rob


PS. It’s a very special week around LeaderTribe. My podcast “LeaderTribe: Your Daily Doseof Growth” is ending after 700 episodes. Why am I sunsetting that podcast? What have I learned about my own failures and my own insecurities? Listen to my final week of short podcasts to find out.

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