Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Seriously, Who Are You Thankful For?

Tell them!

‘Tis the season to be jolly! December is a month associated with warmth, happiness, and cheer. It’s also the perfect month to look back in thankfulness and look forward in hope.

A new friend challenged me to make “thankfulness” videos on Thanksgiving Day and send them to a few friends. I did. It was phenomenal for two reasons:  

1. Expressing my thankfulness made me happy.

While recognition is based on performance or results, appreciation simply acknowledges a person’s value. I value my friends who have helped me become a better person this year. So I whipped out my phone, made a short video, and told some friends how I appreciate them. Each video lasted about 30 seconds. A couple of videos in, I was on top of the world! This short article proves that your thankfulness is a happy pill!!!

2. The response was unbelievable.

I received meaningful, really nice replies. That made me feel even better. It cemented my relationships and ensured that some important friendships will continue to grow. I love the Dallas Cowboys. They were beaten badly on Thanksgiving day, and it was still my best Thanksgiving ever.  

Harvard Business Review gives an overview of how business owners can show appreciation, not just recognition, to their employees. These ideas are good for individuals as well!

So, I’m a thankful person. I can’t imagine life any other way. Here’s my challenge: give the gift of appreciation this Christmas. It will probably be your best Christmas ever.


Dr. Rob

aka The Robster


BTW: We are selling our dream house in Atlanta and moving. Where? Why? Hit me up at com and I’ll tell you!

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