Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Four Gifts for You at the Start of the Holiday Season

End your year with the gift of leadership

Every year when the holidays roll in, the world goes into a festive season. This year is especially different since a lot of you probably had to spend last year’s holidays away from your family and loved ones. With the COVID-19 vaccines being rolled out, there’s a big chance that we will all get to celebrate together with our family this year.

Another pattern I see when the “brr” months roll in, is that people start thinking about “what ifs,” regrets, or other plans for the year that didn’t push through.

Well, guess what? These things happen! If you focus on this negativity, you’ll end the ear feeling down instead of celebrating all the things that you did well. And there are many of them, we just tend to forget those!

To help give a much-needed positivity boost, I’m giving away FOUR awesome gifts that will help you end the year with new learnings and a new outlook on leadership.

  1. Start With Why by Simon Sinek Executive Summary

    This is a really awesome book about how great leaders inspire people to act, and how it is so different from manipulating them. It all boils down to how leaders articulate and convey their “why.”
  2. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Executive Summary

    This is a perfect book to read as you end a year and go on to the next. It talks about how other people have achieved success by transforming their habits. It’s an eye-opening read, as you go through actual stories of how habits were instrumental in the struggle and success of individuals, teams, and companies. The New Year is all about people wanting to change their habits, but you don’t have to wait until then to start!
  3. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith Executive Summary

    This is probably my favorite book on helping others (and myself) to change behaviors and get POSITIVE accountability in my life. Marshall Goldsmith is one of the most in-demand executive coaches in the world, and he gives a ton oftips and valuable advice in this book. Read this high-value book and discover what makes successful people different—you’ll be surprised! Here’s a clue: it has more to do with behavior, not skills, so it’s available to all of us.
  4. A Leader’s Legacy by Kouzes and Posner Executive Summary

    How do you want to be remembered as a leader? Wouldn’t it be incredible if you could start slowly building that legacy today? But where do you start? I’ve recommended this book to more beginning leaders than any other book. And it always becomes their instant favorite. This book is enlightening, wonderful to read, and easier than you think to apply.

Give these gifts to your colleagues and friends, and spread these learnings this holiday season! Also, feel free to tell me what other materials or topics you will find helpful during this season—email me at

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