Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Start, Stop, Continue!

The best team personal and team exercise that you haven’t tried.

As 2021 ends ,it’s time to celebrate, reflect and plan for improvement.

Here is a question I love to ask:

“What is something that you really wish for in 2022, and you can help control the outcome?”

Without the last part of the sentence, everyone would say “No more COVID,” or “WorldPeace,” or “A better government.” Those are all remarkable, but the average citizen is very limited in what he or she can do to affect the outcome.

What about you? A guy in his 70’s wanted to talk to God in a way that he was sure God would listen. After I taught him how, he took a “prayer walk” (his words) every single day until he died a very happy man years later.

A lady friend wanted to stop her rollercoaster weight challenges and see some long-term results. She’s doing awesome. New jobs, better relationships, more joy… all of these have resulted in wishing for something they could help control the outcome.

And it all started with Start, Stop, Continue…

I borrowed this from my corporate consulting and adjusted it for personal use. The Stop, Start, Continue method encourages you to dream, remove roadblocks, then not sabotage your progress.

Are you ready? Aaaaand here we go!


 START: What do you want to start doing?

Make a quick list, you know, things you’ve wanted to do or learn. Don’t be afraid to throw in a dreams (changing jobs, reconciling with past friends, traveling to Bali). Dream big, then set that list aside.


STOP:What would you like to stop doing?

What consumes a lot of your time and energy with very little reward or emotional fulfillment? Where do you keep sabotaging yourself and your growth?

I’m in a coaching relationship with professional football players, young businessmen, and seasoned professionals. Each of them can make of list of things they really need to stop doing. (For example, if you read and reply to every email, you’ll spend your days unfulfilled and further behind because you’re working one someone else’s agenda.)

What tasks or activities do you always feel like you have to drag yourself to do? Set that list aside.


CONTINUE:What has been good, and I need to continue doing it?

Seriously, what works and what has a positive effect on your personal life and career. What are the activities you find most enjoyable and fulfilling? What are the practices or routines that are working in your favor?


Now, go back and pick one thing from each list. Then ask this magic question:


What one very small thing can I do every-single-day, to make progress in that area?


Meditate for 5 seconds? Put my walking shoes and clothes on the bed before I leave for work? Write 3 sentences in an article I’m penning? Drink half a glass of cool water?

Don’t overthink this, and don’t spend too much time!


Get one item under each bucket, then… get going! Go spend 10 seconds getting closer to the person you want to be tomorrow. Next week, spend 20 seconds each day. By the end of 2022, you’ll be a Champion.

Don’t get down on yourself for the days that you miss, but never miss two days in a row.

I’m getting proud of you already!

If you want to try this with you team or have any other questions, hit me up:


Much love, I’m out!

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